Keep in mind, free TracFone unlimited texting requires a very specific string: Two characters, a space, two characters and another space or a period. From the top, this is what they mean: Come home, call home, love you, friendly flower, and are you okay?--this one requires a call back. I leave these on my text message screen. When I want to send TracFone free unlimited text, I simply tap edit then select then forward to my daughter. This assures me I have done the right characters in the right sequence
To get unlimited free texting on the Trac Fone phone, you may have to experiment what works for you. My wife used the same characters but was unable to get through. She had to come up with her own set of free texting characters.
I used my TracFone unlimited free texting characters today. I texted CM space HM. Three minutes later my daughter walked through the door.
It may not be real free texting, but it accomplished two things. One, it brought my daughter and I closer together while problem-solving. Two, it saves a few bucks, and that makes my daughter happy.
by Jeff Pereyda
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