I received a call from Eve Mitchell, staff writer for the Contra Costa Times a couple of weeks ago. She asked me if I had a recent homebuyer who--if not for the down turn in home prices--would never have bought. She had found me on my website. http://www.tricityhome.com
Like a lot of Realtors who get called a lot from every vendor known to man, I didn't think much of it at first. Another survey of some sort, I thought. But she was, in fact, a writer doing a legit story on how homebuyers who were priced way out of the market a while back are now finally getting their days in escrow.
Odette was my client at the tail end of 2008. She found me on the Internet as well on my website. Long story short--we closed on a cute 2 bed condo in Union City just before Christmas. Mitchell liked the story and decided to do the write up. I like the print better, so I gave you a snip from the front page of the Money section that ran on 3-9-09. Argus/Contra Costa Times et. al. The front page of the Argus header read. "A Silver Lining." It was right next to "Happy Birthday Barbie." who apparently turned 50. The image above is of my client and her son. Congrats.
by Jeff Pereyda
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