His name is Retro. Initially, it was one of those 70's retro popcorn ceiling light fixtures. "He" was later created by dotting on a little mud on after removing him from our popcorn ceiling during our popcorn removal fest in our Fremont home. Frugal as we are, my wife and I were sure that we could remove the stuff ourselves--keep in mind that the living room has a 12 foot high ceiling that measures 28 X 12. The 1700 sq ft task was labor intensive, exhausting and messy--and we supposed to have been prepared. We were not. Pooped out from popcorn removal, I tried to inject a little humor into the project. I run around the house while holding "Retro," making robot sounds and chasing the kids with it during breaks.
My Fremont real estate office http://www.tricityhome.com recently sold another home in Fremont. We had the popcorn ceiling removal done on it after the close of escrow. No, we did not remove that popcorn ourselves, the Fremont home buyers did. I had a chance to walkthrough it after there removal was completed. The contractor who did the popcorn ceiling removal made it seem so unproblematic.
Our new “non-popcorn” ceilings are still in the making. I still have to prep and paint. If you are thinking about removing your Fremont popcorn texture, call me for a real contractor who knows how to do it right. They prep, scrape, sand, float (more on that later), and professionally apply the spray texture perfectly perpendicular to the ceiling. They are perfect ceilings when finished. Floating the ceiling involves 24” to 30” troweling a light coat of material to make it flawless prior to primer and paint. Yes, contrary to what you may hear, there are amazing contractors doing great work in Fremont. If you ever need the numbers, let me know. By Jeff Pereyda