Thursday, December 16, 2010

When More is MORE

Do you love it when a provider "finally" gets it? By provider in this case I mean the Multiple Listing Providers or MLS providers for Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. This month our Alameda and Contra Costa County Bay East Association of Realtors created a shared database with Santa Clara County and many others.
You heard the expression, "less is more?" Well I am happy to report that when I am using a computer to search for homes for sale ion Fremont, more is MORE. Multiple Organization Reciprocal Exchange. Cool? Yes it is.

A while back I wrote about an awesome work around to get new listings from different MLS providers forwarded to me automatically here I still use the work around a lot. In short, I wanted the whole picture. I needed homes for sale in Fremont from brokers everywhere, even those who did not possess a local Alameda Contra Costa MLS subscription. It costs a pretty penny to have one.

Until now, those homes for sale in Fremont from "out of area" brokers would never be seen by a Fremont Realtor in their own Bay East Association of Realtors database. The home for sale in Fremont simply will not show up. I have had the opportunity to begin using the new MORE platform. And, as a result, have been using MORE more. It will take some time getting used to the look and feel of it and its functionality, but I am willing to give it a go.

It has a few minor drawbacks. For example, if I, as a Fremont real estate broker list a home for sale in Fremont using the Bay East Association of Realtors data base, (BEAR), then, if I belong to Santa Clara Association of Realtors (SCCAOR) too, and input the Fremont home for sale there as well, the home will show up twice when it is found in MORE (Multiple Organization Reciprocal Exchange). Is it a big deal? Not really. In fact, the MORE exposure the better right? The puns keep coming.

In closing, I am happy that Realtors in Fremont can tap into, "the whole picture" when helping their clients buy a home in Fremont. By Jeff Pereyda

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good Real Estate Agent

If you are thinking about buying or selling a home in Fremont, Newark or Union City. Or, if you know someone who is, you can take a look and listen to what Jeff Pereyda's observations are.

Naturally, there are many aspects of choosing a good real estate agent in Fremont, Newark and Union City and the slide cast is presenting the idea of choosing a good real estate agent in a unique point of view. You click here if the slide screen is not below

Broker/real estate agent Jeff Pereyda shares his experiences from "behind the desk" and "out in the field."

If you or someone you know has finally decided to buy or sell a home in Fremont, Newark and Union City--See if this helps to choose a god real estate agent.

Good real estate_agent
View more webinars from Jeff Pereyda.
By Jeff Pereyda

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Short Sale Slide Cast

I wanted to put something together for the would-be Fremont, Newark, Union City home buyer who may not know about short sales and how they affect all of us in some way.

If you have a moment or two, please take a listen to this Slidecast on Short Sales here and click Short Sale How To.

Pass on any knowledge to those who may not have insight on how to approach these short sales when looking for a Fremont, Newark or Union City home.

Some may recognize the format I use (chalkboard in Powerpoint (tm)), but I re did the audio a little with a change or two.

Thanks for listening.

How to Buy a Short Sale
View more webinars from Jeff PereydaBy Jeff Pereyda