If I am buying a particular item on Amazon that I am not finding locally, I'll read the reviews associated with that item almost every single time, Reviews help me quite a bit, and I usually make my final decision on what to buy based on what reviews I have read. When it comes time to sell a Livermore home, or a home in any other city, Get real estate agent reviews.
Most homeowners take months, sometimes years to finally decide on whether or not to sell their Livermore home. When the time comes to choose their Livermore real estate agent, some do it in just one day, almost haphazardly. Some homeowners get lucky in choosing their Livermore real estate agent http://www.tricityhome.com--others do not fare too well. Real estate agents are not all the same. There is a REALTOR Code of Ethics, but it is only as good as those who follow it.
As a Livermore real estate agent, http://www.cometolivermore.com, I can say that getting agent reviews is a modern real estate agent's requirement. But, what if the potential client does not want to read through hundreds of letters or reviews written on the real estate agent's website. What if the homeowner is more of an audible learner. That's why, years ago, I developed ondemand real estate agent reviews http://www.tricityhome.com/ondemand that play on your computer without downloading anything. My on demand reviews play immeiately after you click the play arrow. One recent client told me that until they listened, yes "listened" to my past clients talking on his computer, he was still unsure who to trust, even after he read a lot of my reviews. He ended up chosing me. Here's what an on demand review looks like on my website.
Dennis... "We interviewed other agents."
Listening to reviews is not new. We hear them quite often in fact. For example, I wouldn't be the happy owner of my Roomba had it not been for a live review. Twice people stopped me in two different stores when I was standing in front of their Roomba displays looking pensive. One fellow shopper simply said, "You should get it. I love mine," And, another told me "It really works!" I now have a Roomba, and I like it a lot.
If you thought about selling your Livermore home, I say Livermore, but I sell homes everywhere in the east bay, then perhaps consider listening to my real estate agent reviews on demand. These are real past clients that speak up about their experience after using me as their real estate professional. Having that information before you choose your Realtor and sell your house is like listening to a fellow golfer who had to make a similar shot as you on that very same putting green you happen to be on. You get to know how that ball rolled. Priceless.
by Jeff Pereyda
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