When Realtors are asked to take a listing, they don't see just stucco, studs and foundation. Since Realtors are people too, what may normally be viewed as just a property that will soon change title is seen more as a home, being part of the family it belongs to. Well, recently I was not asked to sell a home nor just stucco, studs and foundation--but rather a piece of hell itself. (This is not the actual photo).
The home was smitten with crack shacks in the backyard and with several people-sized holes in the fences that allowed these shacks to be so frequented that users had to make reservations to get in. I found out later that the main house too had a secret passage in with no lack of want from vagabonds and other scary people. Had it not been for the story attached to the owner, I would have passed on taking the listing. Something had to be done. Realtors have hearts contrary to some beliefs.
It was a sad but all too common story that many of you have witnessed as well--The owner/seller could no longer maintain the home to say the least; not to mention the loan. Both had gone by the wayside. He, along with the fully grown children living at the house, had no means to stay afloat. Of course my opinions on that were nay the time nor the place. As the owner left the property, it got even worse.
The owner had to move away, and or the sake of brevity, I dare not go into details about the home's condition, nor the repeated break ins during the listing period. But in short, the situation was iniquitous and getting dangerous. My wife did not want me going back to check up on the listing by myself. And, I admit, that property truly felt transgression when I did.
I ruminated on the real estate proverb, "A listing only needs one buyer. And his joy shall come forth from it's foundation." I prayed for that one buyer to arrive--to save the home from destruction. That one buyer came, saw the property, realized it's "vision" and wrote an offer.
Stunned, I entertained my own vision of the buyer mimicking the character of Jules from Pulp Fiction quoting Ezekiel 25:17 before writing the offer. I agree that the house needs to be cleansed, but please don't take my divine retribution reference for the house or this post too seriously but as tongue and cheek.
The powerful technique was prayer and the answer was truly heaven sent. I do count my blessings, but I won't count my chickens just yet. It still has to close escrow. Never the less, it seems that good will triumph over evil once more.
by Jeff Pereyda
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Glad you got an offer! I hope it closes quickly and you can move on from the crack house.
Hope for a quick close! But, you know what they say, one man's junk....
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