A while back, I had a home for sale in Union City, and I had just finished up on a few things after an open house. I decided to drive home by way of a different street. All the while, in the back of my mind, I wondered where a poor Prudential agent's real estate sign ended up, and there it was. The sign was posted on a home for sale in Union City on Almaden Ct off of Alvarado during my listing period on another Union City home nearby. My seller and I always got a kick out of the bare post with no sign. The missing sign started as a dangler. You know, the one hook dangle? Then, it just dropped on the lawn. The agent never bothered to check on the home. I even called. After a while, someone finally decided to dump it. Stop, I know what you're thinking--It wasn't me. I'm not trying to slander Prudential either. Signs just break sometimes.
The image I captured on the Blackberry here also captured the feelings of many Union City and Fremont home buyers as of late. Looking at it, as pathetic as it is, many one-liners come to mind like, "trash it!" or "take it to the can man!" Or, on a different note maybe the picture can be interpreted as "shopping for a home" perhaps or "put an agent in your shopping cart." I think Fremont home buyers can identify to this imagery in line with what is going on with the market lately. Ask most any home buyer, and they will tell you that it is not easy to buy a house right now. REO's get swept up by cash buyers sometimes over bidding, short sales take many months or years to own with no communication in between. Regular sales like one of mine here at Redwood Terrace http://tricityhome.com/38332_redwood_terrace_parkmont.html.
In closing however, I wanted to offer some words of encouragement. if you are approved for a Fremont home loan, be thankful and go get a loan ASAP. If you want a Fremont Home and are not approved, get your financials together and see what you qualify for before the tax break period is over. Go get that home before someone "carts it off." Sorry, just can't seem to stop at one.
By Jeff Pereyda
By Jeff Pereyda
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